Archive for Drug War

Why Conservatives and Progressives Are Both Right and Wrong

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* My cousin Frank alerted me to the termination (of his contract, not his heartbeat) of Pat Buchanan. And here I was, thinking I had a shot at the slot after Maddow. * Dan Carroll, the guy who blogs about counterproductive government foreign-adoption policies, had an exchange with me in the comments of Bryan Caplan’s […]

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An Open Letter to Mayor Bloomberg

He’s put up $30 million of his own money to supplement a NYC program to help blacks and Latinos enjoy American prosperity. I gave him some suggestions on things that would work better.

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Policing for Profit

I use that video of highway robbery in Tennessee to endorse the Rothbardian view of government. An excerpt: Although his views are understandably perceived as radical, in essence all Murray Rothbard stated was that politicians and other government officials should be subject to the same legal and moral rules as everybody else. If it’s a […]

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Highway Robbery in Tennessee

A local liberty activist sent me this a few days ago, and I just got around to watching it. Holy cow, this is worse than I would have thought possible. Trust me, don’t think you’ve seen the worst halfway through it. You need to watch the whole thing, even when the newscasters are talking to […]

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Ron Paul and Gary Johnson on the Drug War

This is a really interesting contrast in both style and content. (I didn’t watch the Republican debate, so this is the first I’ve seen of it.) HT2 LRC

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Ahnold Decriminalizes Marijuana

You know, sometimes I freak myself out with my spot-on predictions. Brownie points for anyone who links to the earliest post in which I said that we would move toward drug legalization (which allows the government to tax it) as this depression lingers: California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed a bill Friday morning that decriminalizes possession […]

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Dangers of Pseudo-Deregulation

You know how the California “deregulation” of electricity proved that the free market can’t work in utilities? Well on the radio today, Rush Limbaugh confidently told his listeners that Mexico had totally legalized all drugs–including heroin and cocaine–and yet they still had drug gangs, thus disproving the “liberal” claim that the drug war causes violence. […]

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