Archive for Daniel Kuehn

Further Thoughts on the Minimum Wage

Daniel Kuehn repeated a statement from an Economix blog post, saying that, “In fact, in 2000 only 46 percent of American Economic Association members agreed with the idea that the minimum wage increases unemployment.” That struck me as inconceivable. I could *possibly* believe that as of 2000, only 46% of AEA members thought the minimum […]

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==> I make a modest point about fracking and federalism. ==> Simon Lester thinks Krugman is up to no good on his post about protectionism, but I don’t really have a dog in that fight. BTW, my Krugman takedowns are still coming, I’m just digging myself out of a pile of stuff. ==> Consumers are […]

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==> Murray Sabrin has been our man in Cuba. Here’s an article in a series of posts on his visit. ==> Jerry O’Driscoll doesn’t heart Bernanke. ==> John Papola also caught something that I noticed about the Stiglitz/Krugman exchange (on inequality): Stiglitz quite explicitly said that low consumption spending was the reason for our recession, […]

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Daniel Kuehn, Like Krugman, Has Advice to Improve Jon Stewart’s Show

I know a lot of you ask, “Bob, why do you waste so much time on a Keynes-friendly grad student?” But it’s my blog. Go do something “important” on your blog, if you like. Anyway, Daniel rushed to Krugman’s defense vis-a-vis Jon Stewart. The odd thing is, Daniel actually agrees with Stewart that the platinum […]

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Learning From Brad DeLong and Paul Krugman

[UPDATE below.] Rather than have a long series of posts discussing the fallout from my (price) inflation bet with David R. Henderson, I decided to do one comprehensive reply to Brad DeLong and Paul Krugman. I had toyed with not even responding, but two things ruled that out: (1) This isn’t a case of two […]

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Murphy Inflation Smackdown

[UPDATE below.] Brad DeLong unleashes hell on me at his blog for my (price) inflation bet with David R. Henderson. Especially in light of my Les Mis post yesterday, I had thought about either ignoring this or just linking to it in a Potpourri with no comment. However, at the risk of seeming petty, I […]

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Stephen Williamson Doesn’t Think He’s in a Cult

This made me chuckle. Here’s the opening portion of a blog post by Stephen Williamson: I thought I would offer some light entertainment today. This Paul Krugman post struck me as perhaps more deranged than usual on the topic of macroeconomists. Here are the two closing paragraphs, to give you the idea: In fact, the freshwater […]

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Papola Has a Barrel of Ink

Uh oh, I think John took it personally when some people accused him of dishonesty and/or ignorance. (Words hurt, kids.) Remember, the issue here is that John in his latest Christmas video is taking on the “fallacy” (his term, which he attributes to Keynes and others) that consumption drives the economy, and that if everyone […]

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