Author Archive

What’s Money Good For?

This gentleman John Steinsvold emailed me this self-described utopian article, on the wonders of abolishing money. I told John I would post it here, so long as he agreed to go at least a few rounds in debate. I also assured him that I would keep any comments courteous. So by all means, tell John […]

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Two Great Articles on Myths About Deflation

Here is George Selgin discussing good vs. bad deflation. Selgin says that good deflation occurs when businesses cut unit production costs, allowing them to charge lower prices. If this is what’s driving falling prices, then none of the typical fears will materialize. On the other hand, Selgin says that a “bad” deflation occurs when the […]

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Cut Taxes for the Right Reason

I explain here. The intro: In their zeal to oppose the lunacy of the so-called “stimulus” plan, many radio talk show hosts and other pundits have fallen into the Keynesian trap. Rather than the politicians spending nearly a trillion dollars, they argue, it would provide much more stimulus if the government gave massive tax cuts. […]

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I Need a Stage Name

This is getting ridiculous. Besides the golf announcer, a million athletes, and a Boston College economics professor, there are just too many of us Bob Murphys walking around. I came across this blog post and was getting really upset when it said: Perhaps, argues Bob Murphy, Greenspan was motivated by his Objectivist beliefs to act […]

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Jesus and Parables

Last night I read a certain passage that had always puzzled me, and for whatever reason it clicked into place on this latest reading. In Matthew 13 Jesus gives the “parable of the sower” to the masses: Behold, a sower went out to sow. 4 And as he sowed, some seed fell by the wayside; […]

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Glenn Greenwald Analyzes David Brooks

In another great article, GG takes an apparently innocuous statement by David Brooks: What I’m really annoyed by, though, is the withdrawal of Tom Daschle. What are we, a nation of virgins?…Of course, Obama asked for all this with his cynical promise to ban lobbyists from his administration. There’s a word for lobbyists: experts. Some […]

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Rob Bradley Names Names

…in the energy movement. I gather that he will have more posts on this topic in the future. Also, I want to once again give a generic plug for MasterResource. If you scroll down the main page, you’ll see they have all their big guns in the rotation now.

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Peter Schiff Tells China How to Take Over the World

Seriously, can you imagine if the Chinese implemented Schiff’s scheme (HT2 Tim Swanson)? (You don’t need to watch the whole clip; you’ll hear it in the beginning.) The Saudis couldn’t do it realistically, because they can’t repel a US invasion if push comes to shove. But nobody’s invading China in the next ten years.

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