Author Archive

Rush to Hypocrisy

Today Rush Limbaugh was going nuts over President Obama’s “surrender to the UN” when the rest of the world “didn’t fire a shot.” He said something like, “You know who should really be worried, folks, are our traditional allies. The Brits [and I forget the other countries he listed–RPM]. The people who depend on this […]

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Now Stagflation Is a "Contradiction"

Before, the pundits had merely been asserting that there was little threat of price inflation because of high unemployment. But now Matt Yglesias has upped the ante (HT2 Bob Roddis): Germany business and policymaking elites seem pretty uniformly convinced that the government has been preventing an unemployment explosion through unsustainable measures…and that in winter 2009-2010 […]

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Deflation vs. Inflation

Gary North reports that one of the leading deflationists has defected to our side. (“Us” meaning North and me.) It reminded me that I meant to blog an email exchange I had recently (with permission of the correspondent). Craig had emailed me to say I was still missing the point in my critique of Mish. […]

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* Great Lew Rockwell article about Afghanistan. He gives four links to Mises Daily articles that warned about the debacle back in 2001. * I haven’t listened to him with Scott Horton yet, but I’m sure Daniel Ellsberg is very interesting. I heard him on NPR commenting on the Afghanistan assessment, and he said something […]

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Am I a Self-Loathing Economist?

Lately I’ve been ripping economists, such that critics of the free market (?) are quoting me. And then in response to Steve Horwitz saying this: I love it when the faculty member teaching in classroom the class before mine leaves the board unerased. It gives me a great chance to talk about negative externalities, including […]

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Ari Gold, Based on Ari Emanuel

In this post I quoted this sentence from (Michael Jordan’s agent) David Falk’s book: The second person was Mark Dowley, who also worked for me at ProServ and went on to run the marketing department for a large Hollywood agency called Endeavor, which is run by my very good friend Ari Emanuel, the younger brother […]

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"I Own Me"

If you can overlook the use of vulgarity and the failure to use reflexive pronouns, this is pretty sweet. At first you might think, “Oh it’s just some punk kid who hates rules,” but it’s actually pretty sophisticated. (HT2LRC)

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Degrees of Separation

I read the following from David Falk’s musings on being an agent (which I reviewed here) during one of my potty breaks today: [The American Express commercial featuring Duke coach Mike Krzyzewski] came about due to a combination of people. One was a local consultant named Gary Stevenson, who had attended Duke and later worked […]

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