Author Archive

Radical Murphy Back in the Hizzouse

After the previous post detailing my wimpy DC panel presentation, I am proud to showcase what will probably be used in the future to prove what a “nutjob” I am (once I get famous enough to be worth discrediting). A sample: The “Texas summit of March 2005” refers to the “Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) […]

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The Most Moderate Murphy Mumbling in Memory

Wow I am not kidding, when I delivered my opening remarks on a recent Hill panel,* I thought I was incredibly animated and a fire-breathing laissez-faire radical. But as the video below shows…sorry, try again. Really what happened is that: (a) You are not seeing my two opening jokes that cracked the room up, and […]

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"Global Warming Is the Left’s ‘War on Terror’"

So said Jeff Tucker when I told him about my decision to take a job where I would focus on the economics of climate change. What Jeff meant, of course, was that global warming (aka climate change) provided a justification not just for specific tax and spending measures, but could be applied for virtually any […]

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I Love Internet Comments

Even if someone’s blog post or a news story drives you crazy, you can always skim the comments to see other people’s zingers. For example, take this WSJ story about all the experts and Nobel (Memorial) laureates who are defending the Fed’s “independnece” against Ron Paul’s pitchforked legions. (HT2 Bob Roddis who got it from […]

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* I have been saying for years that pennies are stupid. I don’t pick up pennies (unless I dropped them and it would look like litter). If you disagree, what about a proposal to introduce a new coin that had the value of 1/1000th of a dollar bill? You can agree that would be dumb, […]

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"Fear Your Government, Not Your Neighbor"

That’s not an actual quote, but I think it sums up this short video by Sean Malone:

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Citizens Sign Petition for Five Years of 100% Inflation

I only watched the first 2 minutes, but this was pretty funny. (HT2 Danaver for sending me the Mish link.) Insert Scott Sumner joke here.

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The Benefits of Procrastination: The Economics of Geo-Engineering

I don’t think this EconLib article will get me on Joe Romm’s Christmas card list. An excerpt: Many critics of geo-engineering overlook an important fact: there is a gain from procrastination. In some of their expositions, they argue, implicitly and sometimes explicitly, that because humans will eventually have to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions anyway, we might […]

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