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Internet Death Dealers
I really don’t know what to say. Daniel Kuehn isn’t sure, but he thinks he would suppress secessionists “by force” (his term): The point is, it’s traitorous and unconstitutional and clearly does not carry a payoff that makes it worth committing treason and violating the Constitution over. A war over it would be terrible, but […]
Read moreScott Sumner Calls My Bluff on Krugman
Look, if Sumner wants to boast that he knows more about Fed history, or more about ordering in a hibachi restaurant, or more about Swedish apartments, I won’t bat an eye. But in this post (HT2 Daniel Kuehn) he tried to make fun of Krugman…that’s my job. Look at Sumner’s swipe at Keynesians (and he […]
Read moreDeLong Plugs Chink in Krugman’s Armor on Treasury Crash
You may recall that Krugman recently argued that an attack by the “invisible bond vigilantes” (the opposite of the confidence fairy, for those keeping track) would actually be good for the US economy, because it would weaken the USD and thus boost Aggregate Demand. I pointed out the problem with in normal English here. But […]
Read moreKrugman Has the Conscience of a Liberal So He Can Print the N-Word
You know how I thought it was funny that Krugman was criticizing Wall Street types for voting for a guy who would let them keep more of their money? And then I used an analogy to Medicare recipients to show how ridiculous Krugman’s rhetoric was? Well just to make sure, he himself confirmed today that […]
Read moreLearn the Austrian Take on the Great Depression
Here’s the full infomercial for my class on the Great Depression that starts this Friday. We’ve got Depression-era pricing of only $59 for a 5-week course. I’m excited to teach this so bust out your credit card. An excerpt: The weekly lectures will run from November 16 through December 14. The first week will provide […]
Read moreRon Paul’s Farewell Address
This is from Lew Rockwell, FYI: It seems that the mean-spirited and envious Republicans will finally allow Ron to deliver his eloquent “Farewell Address.” While it is a so-long to Congress and the various crooks, liars, con men, and clowns who comprise it, it is far more important than that. Ron lays out a blueprint […]
Read morePotpourri
==> Silas Barta wants to keep Steve Landsburg honest on disaster economics. (Incidentally Bryan Caplan recently asked his readers to see if they ever find themselves objecting to unfair arguments used against “the other side,” and say what you will about Silas and me, but we often do just that. However, in both cases that […]
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