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More on Minimum Wage
Daniel Kuehn reproduced the following chart from an EPI paper: Daniel had this commentary: It’s an interesting approach. One does wonder why we should expect the minimum wage to be so damaging given that it grows so much slower than productivity (again – local markets matter – it may grow at a slower rate but […]
Read moreWhile We Were Sleeping…
…someone emailed me to say that the KrugmanDebate pledge total is over $104,000! It may have been due to the heroic efforts of Tom Woods when he was guest-hosting Peter Schiff’s show. (I always picture Tom watching me and thinking, “Bob reminds me a lot of myself, when I was less famous.”) So you make […]
Read moreGreat Posts on the Minimum Wage
It’s reassuring to see that if I ever decided to retire to the Caribbean permanently, my US-based free-market colleagues would carry forward the torch of liberty. Here are some great posts on the minimum wage: ==> Steve Landsburg ==> Bryan Caplan ==> Scott Sumner (though it’s on ObamaCare technically, but could be applied to minimum […]
Read moreMafia Overrates Goodness of Government Officials
A few weeks ago I heard an interview on NPR about a mafioso-turned-informant Whitey Bulger that contained this amusing exchange: DAVIES: I mean people didn’t believe he was an informant, right? Criminals. CULLEN: Well, you know, one of the most incredible things that you see in the book, Dave, we ask Anthony Cardinale, a very, […]
Read moreOne More On Krugman and Predictions
I am not sure everyone fully got my point about Krugman in this last post. Look, Krugman has been absolutely apoplectic the last 3 years, jumping up and down on his blog, complaining that the press and public keep taking seriously the people who have “gotten everything totally wrong” in the crisis. He keeps lamenting […]
Read moreKrugman Judges People on Their Record
The average person on the Internet can’t hold more than 2 thoughts simultaneously, but I think Free Advice readers are above average. I have to go pack for my trip, so let’s see if you can divine my point in this post: (1) Today Krugman returns to a familiar theme: Joe Weisenthal is wrong. He […]
Read moreAyn Rand Vindicated
From the WSJ: Firearms manufacturers are well aware that if semiautomatic rifles are banned, bolt-action guns are next. It is a mistake to cede a millimeter on any issue, because it simply invites more demands. People in the gun culture know their opposition… Consider, by way of contrast, the foolish actions of Chesapeake Energy, a […]
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