Author Archive


==> Shawn Ritenour writes a lengthy summary and critique of Market Monetarism. ==> This guy sent me his critique of Gene Callahan and my conversation on Say’s Law. Eh, I’m going to be honest: I was a little annoyed at him using my first name in such a flippant manner, but what really pushed me […]

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Murphy Tackles the White House 2014 Budget Proposal

I like to beat up on Paul Ryan etc. for being faux-tough on the fiscal problem, but man oh man, in this IER post I go through the Obama Administration’s 2014 Budget Proposal. They don’t even pretend to improve things. I ended up writing this post pretty late at night, and was feeling saucy. I […]

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Who Said It?

“When the stock market crash arrived in October, 1929, Herbert Hoover, now the president, intervened so rapidly and so massively that the market–adjustment process was paralyzed, and the Hoover–Roosevelt New Deal policies managed to bring about a permanent and massive depression, from which we were only rescued by the advent of World War II.” HINT: […]

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It’s On Like Donkey Kong: John Carney Will Host Murphy/Mosler Debate

Just confirmed it with John… He is hosting the debate on MMT/Austrian economics. John was the perfect choice because of articles like this at CNBC. More details soon…

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Team Brittany Interviews Murphy

The schtick with these ladies is that they are all named Brittany (really), hence the name “Team Brittany.” We talk about Bitcoin, the world economy, voting, my man-crush on Barney Frank, and tips for karaoke. Lots of giggling ensued (from them, not me).

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Moderator Bask

Hey kids, In the comments please list some suggestions for who should moderate the MMT/Austrian debate between Warren Mosler and me. It’s going to be hosted online; i.e. we don’t have to be in the same physical place.

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==> Lessons for the Young Economist is now poised to infiltrate China. ==> I am quoted in this article about Bitcoin, saying something noncommittal. ==> Tom Woods announces the Ron Paul Homeschool Curriculum. ==> I talk to Scott Horton about the Fed and U.S. wars. ==> A funny rant about the “I f**king love science!” […]

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Guy Calls Cops on Fish Fry Buffet

At first I couldn’t believe the elementary error* in this Ozimek post which “proves” health insurance and all-you-can-eat buffets don’t exist, but that’s not important now. The important thing is to watch this short video. * Gene Callahan spotted it too, but let me put it more succinctly: How can there be restaurants at all […]

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