Author Archive

The Two Good Things About Christians…

…are that they publicly acknowledge that they are awful, but that there is a perfect role model to serve as a perpetual source of hope and encouragement. The older I get, becoming wiser and seeing firsthand the nature of men and women, the more I think Christianity is the diagnosis and prescription. Other worldviews lack […]

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Murphy Sings “Mack the Knife” at Puglia’s in Little Italy

Just for bookkeeping I’m hitting the “karaoke” tag on this post, but actually this was the real deal. This guy Jorge Buccio is the 7-days-a-week entertainment for Puglia’s. He was one of the attendees on the recent financial seminar on the Caribbean cruise, and told me to let him know when I’d next be in […]

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==> Not sure if I even mentioned it here, because the main event sold out…but anyway I will be at the “Anarchy in the NYC” event this Saturday. Afterward there is a karaoke party hosted by Tatiana Moroz, but you need a ticket to get in. (I am now calling myself a professional singer for […]

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Krugman Gloating on Gold

This really makes no sense. As everybody knows, gold just had the biggest one-day drop in three decades. Here’s Krugman’s reaction: So, the slide in gold has turned into a rout. As Joe Weisenthal says, this should be seen as really good news, because it offers strong evidence that the goldbug/inflationista view of the world […]

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==> Whether North Korean officials actually said this, or whether it is US propaganda to get Americans mad, either way it’s hilarious: They allegedly called the US mainland a “boiled pumpkin.” Who can drop bombs after such a funny insult? ==> Robert Higgs looks around at today’s libertarians, and he’s none too impressed. His op […]

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Bitcoin From an Austro-Libertarian Perspective, Part I

[NOTE: If my memory is right, two or three years ago Chris Brunner encouraged me to write an article on Bitcoin since it was getting popular. I started an article, intending Chris and Silas Barta to be co-authors, since both of them had expertise in certain areas (Chris from a network / commercial point of […]

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Not a Shred of Evidence for God?

One of the things that amuses me in “science vs. religion” debates (in quotation marks because I think that’s a false dichotomy, like have a debate between Superman and pizza) is the overblown rhetoric coming from the supposedly objective, rational, empirical side. (I’m sure the theists do it too, but they’re supposed to be the […]

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A Quick Note on the Free-Market Discussion of Say’s Law

[UPDATE in the text.] In my last post I linked to a critique of my position on Say’s Law, and said that because the writer (“Smiling Dave”) went so far as to wonder aloud if I had even *read* Say’s Law, that it wasn’t worth my time debating him. In the comments, long-time commenter “Major […]

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