Author Archive

Because He’s God

A quick one: A lot of atheists / agnostics argue with me by pointing out that if humans did the sorts of things that occur in the Old Testament, I would be (rightly) horrified. Why then does this Yahweh character get a pass? Because He’s God. That’s not a cop out, it’s a perfectly fine […]

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Applying Krugmanian Lessons to the 1990s

Poor Alex Tabarrok. He makes a simple blog post, pointing out the hilarious heads-we-win-tails-you-lose stance of Krugman et al., and the targets of his critique focus on something completely incidental. I will probably muddy the waters myself by focusing on the “incidental” part of his post, but so be it. First, though, let’s review: 1) […]

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Most of My Facebook Friends

This is great.

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Krugman’s Botched Inflation Call and Scary Other-Country Reference

Ideally someone else would make this post, since it will seem petty and defensive coming from me, but sometimes you look inside yourself and realize that you are the only one who can get the job done. Anyway, I think it’s fair to say that Paul Krugman has been running around for a good two […]

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“The Magic of Mises University”

This is a neat video, especially since I know the camera tricks involved with my cameo.

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Last Day for Discount Tix to RETURN OF THE ZOMBIE (Woods-Murphy Live)

Today is the last day you can get discount tickets to the NYC extravaganza Tom Woods and I are cooking up for June 8…. Here’s Tom’s main event page, here’s the Facebook event page, and here is where you get tickets.

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Nick Rowe Has Solved the Mystery of the Great Recession

Relying on a “very important post” from David Beckworth, Nick informs us that the financial crisis of 2008 occurred because people began expecting it in 2005. Call me hard to please, but I want more, Nick.

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==> My thoughts on Earth Day. ==> In the context of the standard debates, I would be classified as an “open borders” kind of guy, but I think that is a terrible label. Somebody should ask Bryan Caplan why they don’t call it “freedom of migration” or “no CheckPoint Charlies” or something. “Open borders” sounds […]

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