Author Archive
Mike Norman Throws Down the Gauntlet
You need to familiarize yourself with this, if you hope to understand my forthcoming response. (Ron Paul et al. are coming to town in one week, so I can’t deal with this just yet. But soon…) P.S. Here’s the audio of the speech he’s referring to, and here’s the original debate between Mosler and me.
Read moreSteve Landsburg, Destroyer of Worlds
I stand in awe of Steve Landsburg’s mind, though sometimes I question the uses to which he deploys it. For example, I’m sure the math is correct (given his assumptions) behind his latest, counterintuitive result: [E]ven in a thoroughly non-Keynesian world where markets work perfectly…and recessions cure themselves, we might still want [a destructive] hurricane. […]
Read morePotpourri
==> Don Boudreaux has a good discussion of the claim that Hayek is a liquidationist–not that there’s anything wrong with that. (HT2 von Pepe) ==> Pete Boettke is puzzled that the Austrians seem to be almost alone in thinking “micro” relationships are crucial to understanding macro disturbances. Me too. ==> John Carney sent me his […]
Read moreThe Bob Murphy Variety Show, Porcfest 2013
If you’re pressed for time: ==> I redeem (?) my Bobby Darrin street cred in the very beginning. ==> Starting around 23:00 I begin to violate six different rules of live entertainment.
Read moreAfter Further Review, Yes, Krugman Is Indeed a Big Meanie
Paul Krugman lately has been seemingly intentionally going out of his way to provoke free-market economists, first by saying Milton Friedman will some day be merely “an extended footnote” in the history of economic thought, and then by saying of Friedrich Hayek: “…back in the 30s nobody except Hayek would have considered his views a […]
Read moreA Story Illustrating Intelligent Design (ID) Theory
[UPDATE: In this post, Steve Landsburg and I take the argument to depths that only Marvel superheroes could withstand.] I have known for quite some time that atheist critics didn’t even understand the actual position of ID theorists such as William Dembski, but (per Tom Woods’ suggestion that I check it out) I am sad […]
Read moreVon Pepe Is Bearish On China
The brooding von Pepe–who discovered something about himself after the Oprah incident–emails me to bring up the issue of China, which he thinks is classic Austrian business cycle material. I want to be clear that I do not follow China, and I trust their official statistics less than the BLS. But von Pepe sends this […]
Read moreA Petition That Scott Sumner Could Approve?
I kid, I kid. Presumably because of all of my recent inflation posts, Bill Sarubbi reminds me of this video:
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