Author Archive

Eugene Fama: Who Would Build the Roads? Certainly Not an Efficient Market

Brad DeLong is as cranky about not winning the Nobel as I am, and kicks sand in Fama’s face by bringing up an article the new Nobelist wrote in 2009 criticizing “stimulus.” What jumped out at me was the following passage from Fama’s essay: Government infrastructure investments benefit the economy if they are more productive […]

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If You’re Not Outraged, You Haven’t Been Reading Scott Sumner’s Blog

This post title is misleading, but I couldn’t think of anything wittier. Scott Sumner calmly discusses reflections from Miles Kimball and says this: In another paper, Kimball spells out the credit policy in more detail. It might involve the government giving each American a credit card with a $2000 credit limit. This is certainly better […]

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Now That Debt Crisis Can’t Be Blamed on Tea Party, Krugman Back to Saying It’s Expansionary

[UPDATE below.] Sometimes the cognitive dissonance in Krugman’s mind could power a small city. As regular readers know, I was going nuts during the debt ceiling standoff, because Krugman was parroting the standard talking points as if a default would be a disaster. For example he wrote on September 25: Add me to the chorus […]

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I’m Going Galt

But only for 9 days, assuming the customs guys foolishly let me back into the country. Here’s info about the event if you’re curious.

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Murphy on Tom Woods Show

I’m today’s special guest.

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Avik Roy on What Went Wrong With

If these quotes are accurate, this is a pretty damning article. But don’t worry, we’re going to tax rich people enough to make it all work out in the end: A growing consensus of IT experts, outside and inside the government, have figured out a principal reason why the website for Obamacare’s federally-sponsored insurance exchange […]

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==> David R. Henderson on the Nobel. ==> When reading posts like this from Bryan, I wonder if he hands out the syllabus on the first day of class that just says “YOU WILL GET NOTHING FROM THIS CLASS” at the top. ==> starts a petition to arrest Republicans in Congress for sedition. I’m […]

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Lew Rockwell: Gov’t Can Cut Spending By Not Spying on Americans and Killing Foreigners

I don’t remember too many “Tea Party radicals” suggesting these ideas… A special treat in the below clip is to hear a British guy say, “Ludwig von Mises.” Almost as pleasing to the ear as when someone on the BBC says “Baghdad.”

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