Author Archive
==> I can’t believe this was necessary, but Phil Magness actually had to write a piece explaining why libertarians shouldn’t support a self-described socialist running for president on the Democratic ticket. ==> Richard Ebeling wishes Eugen von Bohm-Bawerk happy birthday. ==> David R. Henderson takes on David Brooks’ (and implicitly, Tyler Cowen’s) view that Obama […]
Read moreProblems With Libertarianism?
A reader sent me the following email, which he gave me permission to reprint. I thought his concerns were quite understandable but that I wouldn’t have the time to do justice to them. So below is his (edited) email, and then my own two cents. Please chime in (with courtesy) in the comments. =========== Dear […]
Read moreContra Krugman Episode 22
Right here. As far as deleveraging, try these two articles (which I didn’t cite on the show) I wrote years ago: one and two.
Read moreSoft Launch of
Hey kids, I have a new website with my co-author here. Let me know if you see any problems. You are my Quality Control. I want Bob Roddis’ stamp of approval before I tweet it out…
Read moreEvents of Interest to Austro-Libertarians
==> This Saturday I’ll be participating in the IBC Workshop in Birmingham, AL. ==> On February 27 I’ll be at the ISFLC conference in DC, talking about Rothbard (for the Mises Institute) and Mises (for the Independent Institute). ==> On May 25 Lew Rockwell, Jeff Deist, Tom Woods, and I will be at the Seattle […]
Read morePotpourri
==> This EconTalk with James Heckman is great. ==> John Goodman on Krugman on health care. ==> When I read this article about the Fed internally wondering whether it would be legal to charge negative interest rates, I imagined Bernanke like this. ==> I realize Bryan is ultimately disagreeing with Jerry Taylor, but I don’t […]
Read more“Get to Higher Ground” now available for purchase
What better way to get your head right for Yellen’s conference? For real, this song grows on ya.
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