I Feel Like I’m Taking Crazy Pills
Do any of you notice that my blog looks different? Specifically, does it seem that a lot of the borders have disappeared? (Maybe I’ve been hacked by Bryan Caplan?) My web guy recently did an upgrade, and so I thought that was it. But when I go to the Wayback Machine to try to show him what (I thought) it looked like before, it is also Open Borders Blog. Any thoughts?
Looks the same to me.
OK thanks guys.
Looks the same as it ever did.
May have occurred to you already but did you switch or upgrade browsers and things are being rendered differently?
The real RPM seems OK with it … dunno why the simulated version has been acting strange lately.
So Bob, in your original universe, is it Berenstain or Berenstein Bears?
So did you privatise your borders?
There are crazy pills, and then there are red pills:
Gold standard.
Buckle up!