02 Sep 2018

Tom Woods Show on the Catholic Church Scandal

Religious 28 Comments

Tom had two guests on to discuss the developments in the scandal regarding the Catholic Church and the role the current Pope has played in it. I’m not prohibiting strong statements in the comments, but we have Catholics and Protestants who visit this blog so let’s try to be civil.

28 Responses to “Tom Woods Show on the Catholic Church Scandal”

  1. Tel says:

    Being an atheist, I don’t have a dog in this fight, but on the whole I would prefer the Catholics to remain mostly errr orthodox I guess. If for no other reason than as a convenient point of reference in a world that seems to be a little adrift right now.

    I found it just a touch disturbing to be recognizing some convergence between Tom Woods and Major Freedom on the topic of recent spiritual developments, and I’m not going to call either of them wrong… but I want a third opinion. FWIW I’m reasonably confident these two are working from independent lines of inquiry, I doubt they have coordinated in any way, so I’m alert but not alarmed.

    • Major_Freedom says:

      There is something very special going on in the world that is going to look really bad, but it’s to awaken everyone to a false reality that has been imprinted on the minds of billions, intentionally, for a very long time.

      This deeply entrenched enemy didn’t anticipate the technological advancements in internet communications and flow of information.

      This enemy had, up until the rise of the WWW, controlled most of what people saw in what was happening in government.

      This is not going to be easy for many. Be strong. Remain strong.

      We’re going to see a very old Evil uprooted and exposed for the first time ever.

      They’re panicking trying to stop it, censoring and shadowbanning on social media platforms. This was anticipated.

      Right now we’re watching a movie of a different kind. One that was needed to wake up a world put to sleep.

  2. Mark says:

    Thousands of kids molested by Catholic priests. The pope’s response? Keep plastic out of the ocean!


    Cardinal Cupich says the molested kids and rampant homosexuality in the RCC clergy aren’t important: “the pope has a bigger agenda, He’s gotta get on with other things of talking about the environment and protecting migrants and carrying on the work of the Church. We’re not going to go down a rabbit hole on this.”

    Oh, “And, quite frankly, they also don’t like him because he’s a Latino…and I think that that’s part of all of this too.” Yeah, that’s it.


    The Catholic church is corrupt beyond belief – doctrinally as well as morally.

    • Major_Freedom says:

      It’s almost like the Papacy works for and reports to a group who want open borders, i.e. nations destroyed, with a world state, i.e. their own, to rise up.


    • Tel says:

      The Catholic church is corrupt beyond belief – doctrinally as well as morally.

      The 16th Century Jesuits would agree with you.

      • Mark says:

        The Jesuits’ theology has been wrong from the start. Today they’re just a bunch of Marxists.

        • Tel says:

          The Jesuits were right to oppose church corruption, but the problem is that any big institution is subject to people worming their way in and subverting the goals of the institution, even without changing the overt visible structure of the place. This could take various forms ranging from simple venality to more complex organized infiltration (Gramsci style), or anything in between. No one has proven immune to this.

          So the first step is for someone to notice and say something, “Hey you are doing it wrong!” and the Jesuits were able to do that. The next step is come up with something better and that’s tricky. Anyway, what I’m saying is this is not a new problem. Over the centuries the Jesuits who started out as radicals, gradually became the establishment and then themselves the target for infiltration, corruption and decay. It’s a process, not an outcome.


          There’s a real life story that illustrates the point. You have a guy (usually male, usually young, insurance companies will explain it to you) who refuses to “go along to get along” and then friction starts and some of these guys go on to become firebrand zealots. It happens in professional disciplines as well, not always about religion, although in tech we have our own variations on religion that are noticeably cult like. Richard Stallman for example, is well known to be a complete loon and impossible to work with, but he changed the course of commuting history. He shows up at conferences wearing robes, flowing beard, and an old hard drive platter as a halo… it’s ironic but not accidental similarity to the saints of old.

          Speaking of infiltration… did you see that Levis (the original cowboy jeans) now wants to start gun grabbing? This could start a whole new chapter in country music.

  3. Major_Freedom says:

    The information being revealed about the Papacy is going to get worse.

    Big pill to swallow: The Catholic church was overrun by a Satanic cult.

    It’s not a coincidence that they’ve redesigned the place to look like a SNAKE:


    They have “hid” their symbolism in the open.

    • Rory says:

      “Hail Hydra”

    • Bob Murphy says:

      MF, are you more spiritual nowadays? It seems your worldview has shifted from several years ago. I’m just curious.

      • Major_Freedom says:

        I’ve come to respect spiritual beliefs a LOT more in recent times. To the point where I don’t even think about whether I am Atheist or Christian or whatever anymore.

        I put it this way in my mind: The questions “Does Satan exist?” and “Does the ‘thought’ of Satan exist?” do not need the same answer, but the latter is more a clear and present danger than the former.

        Here’s a question for the atheist visitors of this blog:

        If you learned the world was ruled by a secretive cult of bloodlines whose current generations literally worship and believe Satan to exist, and are as evil as you can imagine, to not just adults in orchestrated world wars to depopulate the Earth, but what they do to children in dungeons, and there was NO defense preventing it from completely covering the world in evil and darkness other than a military whose members are almost all doing what they are doing out of a belief of God and Country, in what could be a final Earth battle of the idea of God versus the idea of the Devil, would you spend your intellectual self-development time and energy standing in the middle of this gigantic transition and start quoting from Hitchens and quibble over the existence of either God or the Devil?

        With actual nuclear weapons being used to kill billions? To keep us blind and nothing but “feed” to the “Eye”?

        Or would you like me, really self-reflect, look at everything differently, and while not suddenly “flipping teams”, jumping from temporary spot to temporary spot, to instead learn just how much of what I understand about not just myself as a human being, but what or who humanity really is, could be incomplete or lacking?

        The more time goes on the more I appreciate what Rothbard said about religion and politics. Spiritual views have a much bigger affect on the world as a whole than I appreciated.

        Big lesson for me: Know when I am psychologically projecting what I am, or what I don’t want to do, or what I want to do, when I think of other people’s motivations and actions.

        • Bob Murphy says:

          Wow that is amazing MF. As you well know, I was a “devout atheist” who had planned on writing the definitive refutation of Christianity, and then I had a total reversal in grad school.

          Like your situation, the big thing for me was realizing my certainty (on a non-theological issue) had been misplaced, and once I realized one of my paradigms was wrong, all of a sudden certain people’s wisdom made a lot more sense to me.

          If you want to bounce any ideas off of me or just vent, send me an email…

          • Major_Freedom says:

            This passage is one that is very helpful in understanding the satanic cult:

            “For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known” – 1 Corinthians 13:12

          • Bob Murphy says:

            Excellent. This is relevant as well:

            James 4:7 English Standard Version (ESV)
            7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

        • Keshav Srinivasan says:

          “If you learned the world was ruled by a secretive cult of bloodlines whose current generations literally worship and believe Satan to exist, and are as evil as you can imagine, to not just adults in orchestrated world wars to depopulate the Earth, but what they do to children in dungeons, and there was NO defense preventing it from completely covering the world in evil and darkness other than a military whose members are almost all doing what they are doing out of a belief of God and Country, in what could be a final Earth battle of the idea of God versus the idea of the Devil…” I would ask you what your proof of that is.

          • Major_Freedom says:

            [N]o [S]uch [A]gency has it all.

            • Keshav Srinivasan says:

              OK, but regardless of whether the NSA has all the proof, how do you have the proof? Can you prove it to me?

          • Mark says:

            Have you ever noticed that when someone posts something that Keshav doesn’t believe that he constantly asks for proof? He’s just looking for something to argue about. I stopped playing his games a while back.

            He claimed he could offer proof of his previous infinite existences, but couldn’t even provide *one.* When he provides that, we might consider playing his games.

            • Rory says:

              “Have you ever noticed that when someone posts something that Keshav doesn’t believe that he constantly asks for proof?”

              Get a load of this guy!

            • Keshav Srinivasan says:

              Mark, I still maintain that it can be proven that I, you, and everyone else have had infinitely many past births. It follows from the fact that the Vedas are timeless, eternal, authorless, and true. And that fact is proven here: tinyurl.com/hinduismproof

              Also, don’t you think that Major_Freedom’s Qanon claims are sufficiently outlandish that any reasonable person would demand proof for them?

              • Harold says:

                ” any reasonable person would demand proof for them?”

                Certainly. If not proof at least supporting evidence.

              • Andrew says:

                It’s funny; I was going to say that if you actually wanted evidence that you could just search for it. But then I remembered that Google is heavily censoring and manipulating QAnon related search results. For example, if you search “neon revolt”, you’ll notice that neonrevolt.com does not appear on the first page of results.

                Regardless, there’s not nearly enough evidence to persuade a determined skeptic. Maybe if I put all the info in a PDF and created a tinyurl link to it (and named it “qanonproof”), it would change your mind?

              • Keshav Srinivasan says:

                Andrew, yes, that would be great. And I’m not even a “determined” skeptic; I think most conspiracy theories are false, because conspiracy theorist types tend to engage in fallacious reasoning. But some conspiracy theories may be true; a stopped clock is right twice a day after all.

                So if you can compile the QAnon evidence into a single document, I would definitely take a look at it and be open to changing my mind if it’s warranted.

              • Andrew says:

                I was joking but why not: https://tinyurl.com/qanonproof

              • Major_Freedom says:

                Keshav I think the concept of psychological projection applies here.

                Did you know that the term “conspiracy theory” was invented by a Nazi inspired CIA psychological warfare strategy to serve as a magic one word knock down argument into any and all questioning and investigating into the JFK assassination that did not mirror the government’s “official” story?

                You say “conspiracy theory” exactly like you were programmed to think and say, as if you actually believe you are saying anything true or useful or a contribution.

                What the world is dealing with right now is the need to wake people up from the false reality that has been created by a sick cult of devil worshipers who pulled the strings of governments and media all over the world.

                By the way, friendly advice, if you believe in “timeless Vedas” without any repeatable, empirical, observable, scientific experiments, then you really should refrain from making yourself out to be some sort of standard light bearer for evidence.

                Again, and this is not an attack or an affront, it affects us all, you need to really REALLY self-reflect and make absolute sure that what you are thinking about others and their convictions, isn’t unintentionally you merely expressing your own inner dialogues and considerations and resolutions.

  4. JimS says:

    I think the Catholic Church is weak on its response to the abuse because it would have to comes to terms with or to come out strongly in opposition to homosexuality which it is unwilling to do either because it is so rampant in the church or they fear the political backlash from society or both.

    My take on this is the same with every church scandal or preacher/TV evangelist scandal that comes along; were they true believers and not simply a public figure trying to control damage, they would say “For ALL have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” We are all sinners. I am a sinner. We have all been born into a fallen state. Religious leaders are not any different. They are human. Just as we don’t go into a hospital and say holy crap, there are sick people in here we should not be surprised to find sinners in the church but they should be like patients in a hospital seeking a cure for what ails them.

    • guest says:

      If they just let Catholic priests marry, there wouldn’t be this many abuses.

      • Khodge says:

        Just like there will be no adultry, cheating, and divorce.

        That’s just not how it works.

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