Mitt Romney, the Guy Republicans Picked to Run Against ObamaCare
For a book I’m doing, I dug up this 2006 WSJ op ed that Mitt Romney wrote, patting himself on the back for providing RomneyCare (not his term of course) to Massachusetts residents. Here’s a great quote:
Some of my libertarian friends balk at what looks like an individual mandate. But remember, someone has to pay for the health care that must, by law, be provided: Either the individual pays or the taxpayers pay. A free ride on government is not libertarian.
Oh and don’t miss this part:
And so, all Massachusetts citizens will have health insurance. It’s a goal Democrats and Republicans share, and it has been achieved by a bipartisan effort, through market reforms.
We have received some helpful enhancements. The Heritage Foundation helped craft a mechanism, a “connector,” allowing citizens to purchase health insurance with pre-tax dollars, even if their employer makes no contribution. The connector enables pre-tax payments, simplifies payroll deduction, permits pro-rated employer contributions for part-time employees, reduces insurer marketing costs, and makes it efficient for policies to be entirely portable. Because small businesses may use the connector, it gives them even greater bargaining power than large companies. Finally, health insurance is on a level playing field.
I love those market reforms.
If I remember correctly, he continued to support it into 2012 as a right-for-the-state-not-for-the-nation type of measure.
Competent socialism, vs incompetent socialism.
Difficult decision.
Assume government is the answer, then go looking for a suitable question. Health care is mostly expensive because of government imposed restrictions on drugs, doctors, education, legal practice, etc. None of these operate anything like a free market, so supply is restricted. After restricting supply, government demands, by law, that supply come from somewhere.
You have to wonder whether they demand some health care be provided, or a lot of health care be provided or all possible health care be provided? Where to hide the death panels? Ask Krugman I guess.
I lived in Massachusetts the entire time Romney was governor (until 2012, actually), and I *never* had health insurance. I expect I’m just a rounding error to a Big Man like Romney, though.