Who Wants to Be My Synthetic Friend?
OK I broke down and joined Twitter. (It has to do with the Washington Times gig; they are really pushing us to be social or something.) So, if you are so inclined, follow me @BobMurphyEcon.
Just for you, Bob.
I gave up on Twitter after a few days, but I’ll add you to boost your follower count 🙂
Follow Back! @ChrisPacia : )
Bob..Please go to your bio on twitter and click on the “post your tweets to Facebook” icon.. Its easier for me to check them in one place..
Thanks, Tony
But Tony, I don’t think I want to do that. I will probably do it vice versa (if that’s possible), but I’m going to be more political on Twitter than I am on Facebook.
‘ok I broke down’. I’ll bet it was hardly winston being tortured by o’brien