18 Apr 2011

Donald Trump: “Vote for Me, I Hate the Chinamen”

Economics 12 Comments

Or do I exaggerate?

12 Responses to “Donald Trump: “Vote for Me, I Hate the Chinamen””

  1. Daniel Hewitt says:

    Trump must be a regular reader of Krugman’s blog.


  2. Toby says:

    A 25% tax on Chinese imports.. what could go wrong?

    Also, DEY TUK ER JEBS!!

    • ListenEllipse says:

      Toby brings up an excellent point about the taking of jobs.

      I thought Trump was bad when his only issue was the birther thing. This just gets better and better.

  3. jon r says:

    i liked the part where he says the chinese wont divest out of us treasuries because we have ‘power’. does he know they’ve been drawing down their reserves for awhile? ive also never seen somebody try so hard to name drop without actually dropping names. he sounds like a 13 yr old trying to convince me hes cool

  4. Bob Roddis says:

    Because I’m old and have a delicate constitution, I have always avoided listening to Mr. Trump speak. Always. I think I’m going to wait for him to crash and burn this time around in lieu of getting up the nerve to actually listen to him speak.

  5. Austro-Liberatarian says:

    Wow! I hope that this is what Ron Paul is up against… he might actually win!

  6. andrew says:

    Donald Trump is a joke , he doesnt like the obama adminastration simply because obama is for the average middle class citizens. make no mistake Trump is a money hungry fool who if became president would decimate the middle class and low income families with tax increases and other profiting schemes

    • Dan says:

      Obama is for middle class citizens? Since when?

    • Anonymous says:

      “because obama is for the average middle class citizens.”

      Thanks. A good laugh in the morning always starts the day off right!!

    • Jeremy says:

      “because obama is for the average middle class citizens.”

      Thanks. A good laugh in the morning always starts the day off right!!

  7. cavalier973 says:

    Trump is a contemptible buffoon who thinks trade is a zero-sum game. What’s curious to me is that Rush Limbaugh seems to really like the guy.

    Ed “Parsons” Schultz, on his radio show the past couple of days, has made Trump the centerpiece of the program, mainly because the “birther” sympathies that Trump is showing….but Schultz likes what Trump is saying about “Bringing our jobs back from China”.

  8. ANti-trump says:

    Please make it him stop