“Minnesota Government Mistreats Ladies”
…thus the provocative, Internet-ish title of my recent Mises Daily:
Recently the Minnesota Department of Human Rights — a funny title in itself — declared that the practice of “ladies’ night” was illegal gender discrimination. Apparently, five establishments in the Twin Cities area were denying men “full and equal enjoyment” of their services because they charged women lower cover and drink prices.
Besides the unjust (and absurd) violation of private-property rights, the Minnesota government’s harassment of businesses will end up hurting female and male customers. The practice of price discrimination — charging different customers different prices even for the “same” good or service — is economically beneficial.
This is silly. If they are going to focus on gender inequality they need to turn their attention to the real problems: inhumane divorce laws and courts, the VAWA act that requires men to go to jail if the police are called, forced alimony, etc
I’m opening a bar and charing Keynesian’s an outrageous cover unless they wear a skirt.
They will want to come there because I’ll erect a gigantic nude statue of Krugman with burning incense around it. Of course, I’ll also hold self-congratulatory award ceremonies for the most arcane economics model.
It will be like dangling a piece of red meat in front of a starving lion.
“Besides the unjust (and absurd) violation of private-property rights, the Minnesota government’s harassment of businesses will end up hurting female and male customers. The practice of price discrimination — charging different customers different prices even for the “same” good or service — is economically beneficial.”
What Christian would not be in favour of the practice of getting ladies drunk so that men have a better chance at one night stands with them?
The kind who thinks the ends justifies the means?
Do you email Glenn Greenwald and ask why he favors terrorism?
“What Christian would not be in favour of the practice of getting ladies drunk so that men have a better chance at one night stands with them?”
Nothing wrong with testing people’s faith, the more cost-effective the better.