Don’t Call It a Comeback
Please excuse the lag in posting, but I had quite a hectic schedule this past week. I was in Houston for two events related to my book; below are pictures of me with my chaperone and host David Hutzelman (and a Texas-sized gift basket from Rob and Nancy Bradley) and then with Barry Klein, who organized the Friday event at which more than 100 people showed up.

Just a reminder, for those in the Nashville area, I am giving a book talk this coming Monday evening, and for those in the Bismarck area, I will be at the North Dakota Policy Council this coming Saturday. Details here.
But now I’m back, and there are plenty of things to catch up on. Brad DeLong, Paul Krugman, Gavin at RealClimate, and all my friends have been busy beavers in my absence.
Oh and don’t forget, tomorrow is Mother’s Day! If you forget to call her…well let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.