IER’s Green Jobs Critique Now Available
The suspense is over! IER’s new study (by Robert Michaels and me) looks at four of the leading “green jobs” studies and finds serious flaws. We are not delving into the climate issues on this one, and so our critique alone doesn’t prove that a cap & trade etc. are bad ideas. However, just glance through this thing. I think Bob and I found some serious shortcomings in these analyses. And again, this isn’t a critique of Pelosi’s offhand remarks, we are here analyzing the official reports put out by PhDs from left-leaning think tanks. (They are the Sith to our Jedi, if you will. Except there are hundreds of them and only two of us. I will now discontinue this analogy.)
Far cooler than our analysis is the cover graphic our man Andrew G. (not sure if he wants his full name published for fear of Greenpeace retaliation) whipped up: