"End the Fed" Rallies Planned for 38 Cities on Saturday
I just learned of a coordinated protest outside of every Federal Reserve bank planned for this Saturday (i.e. tomorrow) November 22. I would like to point interested parties to a main website but I spent 5 minutes with Google and couldn’t find it, just proving that leftists are way better at organizing than libertarians. Anyway, here is the site for the Houston rally, and their “poster” is below. If you live in a city with a Fed branch, presumably you can try googling it directly for your specific event time.
Thanks to English Bob in the comments for giving us the general site. Below is a “poster” tailored to the Houston event.
Incidentally, I was glad that the email I received about the event, stressed that the organized want this to be very peaceful. The Houston event even recommends business attire. I think they are trying to distinguish themselves from angry anarchist teenagers who vandalize McDonalds chains to fight the power.