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Piketty Gives the Frenchie Response

Recall Jon Lovitz’s character “Frenchie” from SNL, who would say outrageous things and then say, “Oh I’m sorry, didn’t mean to offend anyone!” That is quite apropos for Thomas Piketty’s response to FoxNews when they asked him about the accusations Phil Magness and I made in our recent paper. “I am really sorry if I […]

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Ultra Magness and Optimus Murphy Fight Piketty

Phil Magness (GMU historian) and I have a working paper up, critiquing the empirical contribution of Thomas Piketty’s bestseller. If you religiously follow this blog, the stuff I added to the paper won’t be new, but when you combine it with what Phil dug up, I think it’s pretty compelling. If you have serious questions […]

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More Piketty Stuff

==> Piketty only regrets not jacking those trend lines up even more, because of the blockbuster March 2014 PowerPoint. ==> Scott Winship clarifies just how ambiguous the data really are, notwithstanding Krugman’s recent “denier” finger-wagging. ==> Speaking of which, in that article Krugman linked to a Kopczuk paper to bolster Krugman’s claims that everybody knows […]

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Scott Sumner Learns the Truth About Piketty Firsthand

I just love it when I see people first read Piketty and post their reactions (on FB or blogs) to the effect of, “Wait a second… Is he really saying that? Am I missing something?” Scott Sumner has such a post; this is truly the third such post I’ve seen from a college professor in […]

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Full Review of Piketty’s Capital in the 21st Century

Carlos Lara and I put out a monthly financial magazine, the Lara-Murphy Report. In May I had a full-length review of Piketty. The best way I could think to showcase it here, was to do screen shots of the pages. So here ya go:

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*Yawn* Two More Experts on Growth and Inequality Say Piketty Is Totally Wrong

Steve Landsburg links to this Note by Krussell and Smith on Piketty. These guys are experts in this field; for example here’s one of their joint papers on wealth and income inequality in the JPE. Short version of their current Note: Like Larry Summers, they claim that once you account for depreciation, Piketty’s whole case […]

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More on Piketty

==> Here’s Piketty responding to the initial FT critique. (HT2 Daniel Kuehn) ==> Here’s Giles (the author of the FT critique) elaborating. ==> Here’s Magness with some more oddities, but I think Piketty might have explained what was going on here, in the first piece linked above. (Note, to say he “explained what was going […]

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Book Review of Piketty

So you can mentally prepare yourself, here is a short (about 1,000 words) review of Piketty. Next week I’ll publish a much longer review with quotations from the book. The good thing about this “Rare” review is that if you get bored, you can click on a slideshow of Victoria’s Secret models. The best part: […]

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