Archive for Shameless Self-Promotion

Free Traders Should Be More Careful When Defending Trade Deficits

In a recent WSJ piece, Robert Barro pushed back against Trump’s mercantilism by arguing: “Imports are things we want, whether consumer goods, raw materials or intermediate goods. Exports are the price we have to pay to get the imports. It would be great, in fact, if we could get more imports without having to pay […]

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The Slugfest Continues: My Article on the FRB Debate With Selgin

My one regret in the Soho Forum debate with George Selgin–besides the fact that he won according to Oxford rules–is that we didn’t have time to spell out our respective positions a bit more clearly. For example, a lot of people on social media assumed I thought (a) fractional reserve banking was fraudulent and (b) […]

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Murphy Stuff

Some of this may be repeats, but I’ve been traveling so much I may have skipped things… ==> Contra Krugman 133, we talk about Smoot-Hawley etc. We largely agree with Krugman on this one. ==> Tom Woods Show 1125: I am the special guest talking about the Coase Theorem. ==> Lara-Murphy Show Ep. 52: We […]

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The Magical Murphy Tour

==> On Saturday April 14, I’ll be speaking with Jeff Deist and Carlos Lara about the economy, in Nashville. Details here. ==> On Monday April 16, I’ll be in NYC debating George Selgin on fractional reserve banking. Details here.

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Murphy Magic

Some of this may be repeats, but I haven’t posted my stuff in a while and need to catch up… ==> Ep. 49 of the Lara-Murphy Show covers Chapter 2 of our new book, The Case for IBC. ==> Ep. 50 of the Lara-Murphy Show is a bonus episode, featuring my remarks at the Yale […]

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==> The latest Contra Krugman tackles Modern Monetary Theory (MMT). ==> Wendy McElroy writes about privacy and the (modern) connection to cryptocurrencies. ==> A few people on Twitter were giving me a high-five for my old article on trade deficits and fiat currency. I re-read it and thought, “I agree. That *was* a good article.” […]

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Podcasts Are Here

==> Episode 48 of the Lara-Murphy Show covers Chapter 1 of our new book (with Nelson Nash). ==> Not sure if I already posted, but: Episode 127 of Contra Krugman involves Krugman calling Republicans liars. But, tune in for the banter between Tom and me.

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Murphy Triple Play

==> In the Washington Examiner I argue that Pope Francis “has it wrong on global poverty and its cure” (their title). ==> At IER, I argue for road privatization, rather than a gas tax. ==> In a follow-up piece, I explain that the gas tax is already quite high, when we factor in taxes at […]

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