Archive for Shameless Self-Promotion

Pay Tax Now or Later?

In this podcast and this blog post, Carlos and I help our audience to think through the ramifications of popular savings vehicles that allow a person to affect the timing of paying income tax.

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Murphy Twin Spin

==> In the latest Contra Krugman where we were supposed to discuss income mobility, Tom goes rogue and starts complaining about public–I mean government–schools. I almost told the producer to cut to a commercial break, I was so taken aback. ==> At IER I discuss Oren Cass’ cool article that goes off on the new […]

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Richard Tol Trolls Sir Nicholas Stern

The author of the controversial and famous “Stern Review” on climate change (in 2006) has recently come out with a piece in Nature arguing that economists need to change their models of climate change because “the consequences being assessed should include the damages to human well-being and loss of life beyond simply reduced economic output.” […]

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Ludwig von Mises’ Contributions to Economic Science

A talk I gave at the International Students for Liberty Conference in DC a couple of months ago.

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Contra Krugman Ep. 27 — Tom and I Talk Jobs & Trade

This one teaches some economics, just a heads up.

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Correcting Krugman on Trade

Lately Krugman has been “correcting” right-wingers who justify trade liberalization on the grounds that it creates jobs. Yes that is a defensible opinion (because with flexible wages everybody can get a job, even under a complete blockade), but the way Krugman defends it is wacky. He talks about job growth in exporting industries offsetting job loss in […]

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Checking in on the Climate Models

I summarize the recent Working Paper from Cato climate scientists Pat Michaels and Chip Knappenberger. An excerpt: The reason for constructing the chart in this fashion is that nobody can accuse Michaels and Knappenberger of cherry-picking starting years and (thus) trend durations. This chart contains information pertaining to the trend warming—both in the computer models […]

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Murphy Growth Plan for St. Patrick’s Day

Actually the article ran yesterday but I didn’t notice until today… My latest at FEE takes up the Gerald Friedman conundrum. An excerpt: Turning to students: according to the Census Bureau, about 17 million are enrolled in high school. Assume that with no coercion and with plenty of entry-level jobs (thanks to abolition of the […]

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