Archive for Politics

Right-Wing Revisionism

You remember that part in the Declaration of Independence that says “Union Forever!” and that pokes fun at the people whining about government tyranny? Oh wait, that’s a tweet from a Heritage Foundation lady mocking Tom Woods.

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==> If you’re interested in the economics of climate change, I throw out some factoids in this blog post that may surprise you. ==> Somebody asked me to find this (I had cited it in my Rothbard study guide), so I thought I’d relay it to y’all: It’s a wonderful essay by Bohm-Bawerk that includes […]

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Mafia Overrates Goodness of Government Officials

A few weeks ago I heard an interview on NPR about a mafioso-turned-informant Whitey Bulger that contained this amusing exchange: DAVIES: I mean people didn’t believe he was an informant, right? Criminals. CULLEN: Well, you know, one of the most incredible things that you see in the book, Dave, we ask Anthony Cardinale, a very, […]

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Thoughts on Glenn Beck

Well the big to-do in my Facebook circles is Glenn Beck’s announcement that he’s rebranding his “The Blaze” as a global libertarian network (HT2 DK). Not sure if you guys remember, but years ago I had thought Glenn Greenwald was being too harsh on Beck. “Hey the guy is obviously putting on a show, but […]

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“Token Libertarian Girl” on Fiscal Cliff

Julie Borowski put this video up in mid-December, but I just saw it. I was perusing her videos after Steve Horwitz (and Sarah Skwire) sent her to the time-out corner for her most recent video (not the below one). Julie’s big-picture objective is to make libertarian ideas more appealing in the popular culture. I think […]

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==> Here’s my American Conservative article from a week or two ago, talking about the myth of British austerity. If I do say so myself, my second chart (the third in the article) is a really good rebuttal to Krugman on this topic. I think it deals well with the “they have austerity relative to […]

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Ademo Freeman and Fear, the State’s Primary Weapon

Since his conviction on August 13, I have been meaning to publicize the case of Adam Meuller, aka Ademo Freeman. He is the founder of, a site dedicated to the peaceful yet persistent pursuit of police perfidy. The folks at CopBlock do things like post videos of cops beating the heck out of people, […]

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Let’s Lynch for the Right Reasons At Least

Holy cow, the people on FB and the blogosphere in general are going absolutely nuts over Rand Paul killing all those Girl Scouts with a 5 iron. Ha ha not really, all he did was endorse Mitt Romney. But the reaction was about the same. I like to think of myself as the little angel–OK […]

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