Archive for Politics


==> Tom Woods interviews Scott Horton on his new book about Afghanistan. ==> Brittany Hunter on the “sunk cost fallacy” vis-a-vis Afghanistan. ==> Tyler Cowen weighs in on the issue of public shaming. This was interesting: I see many people who have behaved very badly — and here I mean legally convicted criminals — but […]

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“Everyone I disagree with is a Na–“

What used to be a punchline (get it?) is now becoming reality. This is an actual story in Salon: Tom Woods interviewed a guy who was fired because he was scheduled to speak at the Boston “Free Speech” rally. The guy wasn’t speaking on anything controversial. He was actually interested in the event because he […]

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Helping People to Understand Why Some Are Talking About a “Bubble” or “Hypnosis”

We all know at some level that people suffer from confirmation bias, that they see what they want to see, etc. But lately this phenomenon has gotten so extreme, it’s amazing to behold. Look at this screenshot from a recent CNN article, talking about Trump’s initial reaction to the tragic events in Charlottesville:   I’m […]

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How to “Automate Congress” Using Blockchain Technology

I get lots of people contacting me with their “one simple trick to restore liberty!” But I met with this guy and I think there might be something here. Let me know your thoughts in the comments. I think Donnie can also swoop in to field questions if you want to post them here.

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==> “Dadbucks”: an experiment in central banking. ==> This NYT headline says a guy was fined for “doing math without a license.” I assumed it was hyperbole, but it’s pretty close to what happened. (He was protesting the length of yellow lights to a city council.) ==> In honor of the March for Science I […]

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A Proposal for Local Government Reform — Guest Post by Barry Klein

[I’m giving a talk to Barry’s group in Houston, and he asked if he could get his message out through my blog. — Bob] BY BARRY KLEIN To reclaim liberty, embrace what’s working ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rolling back BigGov at the municipal level  with single issue politics … using the Texas model The Left and Right have […]

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Intel Report on Russian Hacking: We Are Officially in the Twilight Zone

I just sent out this masterful tweet: (BTW I did a screen shot instead of embedding the tweet, because it was making my picture from the report appear first when I embedded.) The public version of the intel report is here. This whole thing is really amazing. You could replace “RT” with “Democratic thought leaders” in […]

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The WaPo’s Absurd Conspiracy Theory About Conspiracy Theorists

Everybody and his brother has made fun of this recent WaPo piece. In case you missed it, here’s the punchline: The flood of “fake news” this election season got support from a sophisticated Russian propaganda campaign that created and spread misleading articles online with the goal of punishing Democrat Hillary Clinton…say independent researchers who tracked […]

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