Archive for MMT

Tom Woods Talks MMT With Me

Here. Two things: (1) I misspoke early in the interview, when I confused Abba Lerner with Oskar Lange. They both advanced the “market socialist” response to Mises during the celebrated Socialist Calculation Debate, but it was Lange (not Lerner) who wrote (somewhat tongue in cheek): Both as an expression of recognition for the great service […]

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Accounting Identities Versus Economic Theories

OK I’m going to crowdsource this one, because I’m guessing in the comments there will be two camps who will eventually reach the truth (at least in my mind). In a previous post I alluded to Brad DeLong bringing up a 2009 Fama essay on the impotence of stimulus spending. Upon seeing DeLong’s post, Krugman […]

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My Response to Mike Norman

This should settle things once and for all.

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Mike Norman Throws Down the Gauntlet

You need to familiarize yourself with this, if you hope to understand my forthcoming response. (Ron Paul et al. are coming to town in one week, so I can’t deal with this just yet. But soon…) P.S. Here’s the audio of the speech he’s referring to, and here’s the original debate between Mosler and me.

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Edited MMT Debate

This has thousands of views already, I’m assuming from MMT fans…

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==> John Nash’s PhD dissertation: 26 pages in the body of the paper, and a mere 2 citations, one of which was his own previous paper. (HT2 MR) ==> If somebody wants to wade through this post-game show of my debate with Warren Mosler, I would appreciate it. This guy Rohan is a careful thinker […]

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Mosler Debate

Reminder that I’m debating Warren Mosler tonight at Columbia… Details here.

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==> After reading my scathing critique, David Frum will wish he had added another axis of evil. ==> My interview on MMT matters. I am tough, but I am fair. (?) ==> Jerry O’Driscoll catches something that I noticed too: The Fed’s announcement seems to turn a ceiling into a floor. (HT2 the eagle-eyed von […]

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