Archive for Jordan Peterson

Jordan Peterson Asked About the Resurrection

I thought this was very interesting:

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The Mindset of a Pharisee

Check out this interviewer trying to nail Jordan Peterson. When JP explains how his work has helped countless young men escape drug addiction and suicide, the guy doesn’t bat an eye (or challenge JP to see if he’s exaggerating). He just moves on to the next rhetorical trap. (And no, just because I’m saying this […]

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A Good Example of People Not Believing Their Own Rhetoric

If Prof. Suzanna Danuta Walters didn’t exist, Jordan Peterson would have to invent her. (Or rather, the kind of fictional nemesis Jordan Peterson’s critics attribute to him, actually is real: it’s this lady. Seriously, look at her list of publications.) In a Washington Post op ed titled, “Why can’t we hate men?” she writes: Women […]

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==> CONTEST! Get your video posted for free admission to the Contra Cruise. Details in the middle of this episode (which is also quite good). ==> I differ with the Pope on transubstantiation *and* climate economics. ==> This is a great Tom Woods interview of Saifedean Ammous. He is an economist with a very particular […]

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Russell Brand interviews Jordan Peterson

This is a really good one that Dan C. sent me.

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Jordan Peterson on Peter Pan Syndrome

I just saw some guy on Twitter proudly declaring that he was a libertarian even though he likes CNN and hates Jordan Peterson; he ended his tweet with “fight me.” I scrolled through his feed (partly to see how many followers he had; it was not pretty) and saw him RT a meme that said […]

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Reactions to Jordan Peterson’s “12 Rules”

Scott Alexander had a mixed reaction to Jordan Peterson’s book. It starts out very complimentary, but then Alexander ends up wondering whether CS Lewis would view Peterson as an ally or a mortal enemy. But that’s not really the thing I want to focus on. My own reaction to Alexander’s review was lament. Alexander actually […]

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An Ironic Slip of the Tongue for Jordan Peterson

You guys think you’ve got me allll figured out. I’ve been pumping up Jordan Peterson, saying how great he is, and then his interview with Cathy Newman goes viral. You would expect me to share it with enthusiasm, yet I actually was underwhelmed by it (as I think I’ve said before on the blog). Anyway, […]

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