Author Archive
Glenn Greenwald on Democrats Who Voted to Give Trump More Spying Power
Here’s a great article from Glenn Greenwald. An excerpt: Despite opposition from GOP House leadership and the Trump White House, Amash was able to secure the commitment of dozens of House Republicans to support his amendments to limit the ability of Trump’s FBI to spy on Americans without warrants. The key provision of his amendment would […]
Read moreDavid R. Henderson on Trump’s First Year
I liked this piece by David, especially since I used the following two passages in the latest Contra Krugman (which hasn’t dropped yet): [A]lthough many Washington wags are shocked that Vladimir Putin may have cared enough about the U.S. election outcome to spend one hundred thousand dollars on Facebook ads, between 1946 and 2000, the U.S. […]
Read moreTwo Points of Pushback Against My Buddies, re: GOP Tax Plan
(1) Suppose someone argued, “I don’t think it’s right for Donald Trump to be talking trash to North Korea. He is just setting the US up for a big war that might involve nuclear weapons. In terms of foreign policy, he’s writing checks that the American public doesn’t want to cash. It would be much […]
Read moreKrugman Claims “No Evidence” That Regulation Deters Investment
I beg to differ. My latest at IER.
Read moreKrugman vs. Krugman
I was naughty on Twitter and posted these side-by-side… (The first has no time-stamp but it’s from January 2, 2018.) and
Read moreJCT Estimate on Tax Plan
[EDIT: I dug up my own post; mystery solved. I explain at the end.] John Cochrane links to the new JCT estimate on the distributional consequences of the tax package. Here’s Cochrane: Bottom line: No change. Income categories are paying almost exactly the same share of federal taxes as before. Millionaires actually pay a tiny […]
Read moreKrugman’s Interesting History
I’ve been carrying this particular blog post on my browser since October, so let’s move on to the New Year… This particular excerpt struck me as amazing: When the financial crisis struck, there were many calls for new economic ideas – even an Institute for New Economic Thinking. The implicit story, pretty much taken for […]
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