Author Archive

Murphy vs. Krugman

==> I think this is a case of Krugman stretching the facts more than I can recall him ever doing (in a case where he’s demonstrably wrong, I mean). ==> Tom and I take on Krugman’s whining about all the rage-filled right-wingers.

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==> An old one I keep forgetting to post: Glenn Greenwald documents some amazing examples of media botching stories. ==> Tom finally gives me some respect. ==> Not sure if I posted this yet, but Tom and I talk about Krugman on Warren on the family & the State.

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==> This guy Scott Alexander is very very clever and creative. And along those lines, check out this one. ==> Oh man I had to lay the smack-down. ==> I am included in this collection from FEE. ==> I really liked this Caitlin Johnstone article on narrative. ==> Perhaps I already linked to this, but […]

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The God of Social Media Demands Sacrifice, Not Mercy

This is about as gossipy as you are ever going to get me. Just to be clear, Sarwark’s latest shenanigans wouldn’t have made me do an episode. But it was being stuck in an airport reading what happened to Scott Alexander, the day after Sarwark’s shenanigans, that pushed me over the edge. Enjoy it while […]

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Why Rothbardian Institutions Would Become Nonviolent

Set aside 90 minutes and listen to this one, folks.

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This Is Setting Off My BS-Pattern Detector

This is a really smart guy; my son and I read (a lot of) his book Our Mathematical Universe. But around 14:15 when he starts asking questions, instead of saying, “Nothing,” I can think of a different one-word answer that’s far more accurate. I think the most obviously wrong step he takes, is to say […]

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It’s Celebrity Criticism All the Way Down

As all right-thinking people recognize, it should be illegal to harshly criticize a celebrity. Now some libertarian theorists try to say, “Well, there’s no rights violation involved, so shouldn’t it be legal to harshly criticize a celebrity?” But that’s not a good argument. I’ll demonstrate with a humorous thought experiment to show the inner contradictions of […]

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==> My interview with Warren Mosler (Bob Murphy Show ep. 18) is up. ==> My critique of MMT is also up. ==> In the movie Dr. Strangelove, the president says it is the avowed position of the US government never to be the first to use nuclear weapons. Not so fast, says Tyler Cowen.

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