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Who Will Watch Freedom Now?
I have been at an insurance conference since Wednesday night and haven’t had time to look into this much, but anyway Fox has canceled Judge Napolitano’s show FreedomWatch. Lew Rockwell gives contact information if you want to tell someone at Fox your feelings about this move. Does anyone have objective ratings information? Obviously many of […]
Read morePotpourri
* Mario Rizzo is clearly not one of us. He writes, “Over the past two years I have been reading more than I ever dreamed about rationality in economics, especially in the standard neoclassical theory of choice. I have done this because I want to get at the root of the controversies concerning whether people’s […]
Read moreLessons from Solyndra
I have the EconLib featured article this month. If you haven’t really been following the Solyndra story, and want to get up to speed, this is your one-stop shopping. An excerpt: My goal here is twofold: first, to summarize the key events in the Solyndra case and explain why it is a scandal and not […]
Read moreBloggers Need God
Such was the informal title I had given to the growing list of links on my computer’s calendar, and I thought it was sort of catchy so I used it here. I recognize this particular Sunday post might sound more aggressive than my usual fare, like I’m now being more a stereotypical American evangelical who […]
Read morePotpourri
* “Stuff” that libertarians say (HT2 Tyler Cowen). Some made me chuckle. * Glenn Greenwald on Leon Panetta’s confirmation (not in so many words) that yes, Barack Obama is Emperor Palpatine. * Speaking of which, did you actually read the details of what happened to those British tourists who were tweeting jokes about digging up […]
Read moreHeads EMH Wins, Tails Its Opponents Lose
More circularity posing as profundity from Scott Sumner on the Efficient Markets Hypothesis (EMH): The past five years should have been an absolute gold mine for the anti-EMH types that supposedly dominates the hedge fund industry. Just think about it. Shiller says stocks are way too volatile, and the US stock market has been incredibly […]
Read moreReminder About Mises Academy Class
Remember kids, my class on Mises’ first major work starts tomorrow; infomercial is here. As I said on Facebook: If you don’t have the money for it, put it on credit. I don’t think we will have the time to talk too much about clearinghouses, but Mises does do a great job explaining that in […]
Read moreThe First (of Several?) Posts on Romans 13
Atheist libertarians love to quote Romans 13: 1-7 at me. I have been delaying addressing it for a long time, not because I have nothing to say, but because it’s such an important passage and requires a long answer. However, after at least 6 months of doing this, it’s clear that I’m never going to […]
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