Author Archive
==> Murray Sabrin has been our man in Cuba. Here’s an article in a series of posts on his visit. ==> Jerry O’Driscoll doesn’t heart Bernanke. ==> John Papola also caught something that I noticed about the Stiglitz/Krugman exchange (on inequality): Stiglitz quite explicitly said that low consumption spending was the reason for our recession, […]
Read moreDean Baker Is Not Very Creative
I’m on the road all week, so blogging will be sparse. Yet I couldn’t let this one go. In this post, Dean Baker lectures Joe Scarborough for attacking the Obama stimulus package. Baker writes: The best evidence here is the assessment of the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) from March of 2009. The reason this analysis […]
Read moreCapitalism Needs Losses, Too
This was the second talk I gave to a group of about 100 high school students in Houston a little while ago. I opened the event with, “The Social Function of Profits,” then Peter Klein followed with, “Big Business: Friend or Foe,” and I wrapped up with this one. Since I’m talking to high school […]
Read moreIs the Christian God Compatible With Misesian Action?
A lot of people can’t understand how I can write such great stuff 6 days a week, but then go batty on Sundays. (Krugman and DeLong, in contrast, think I’m consistently nuts.) One thing in particular people like to throw at me, is this passage from Mises’ Human Action: [T]he endeavors of philosophers to define […]
Read moreMore on Krugman’s Tale of Two Economies
Sorry my teeming fans, I’m still bogged down with work. But I can’t resist drawing your attention to Krugman’s post today, entitled “Our Incredible Shrinking Government,” in which he said: Still, the report does highlight the role that shrinking government purchases of goods and services are playing in holding the economy back. And yes, I […]
Read moreKrugman: Government Spending Surged If It Helps My Case, Otherwise It’s a Dirty Right-Wing Myth
[UPDATE below.] I am really busy with work deadlines, so not much blogging for another two weeks or so. But in the meantime, I wanted to point something out, though I don’t have time to buttress my claims with links. Here is my observation: Paul Krugman will say that government spending has surged under Obama […]
Read moreMLK on Loving Your Enemy
The commentary always gets so political on the official Martin Luther King Jr. holiday itself, but I had been reminded of this 1957 sermon on forgiveness and loving your enemy, and thought I’d quote from it now: He who is devoid of the power to forgive is devoid of the power to love. It is […]
Read moreBrad DeLong Once Again Mines the Clear Blue Sky for a Statistic to Use Against His Opponents
[UPDATE below.] Michael Tew sent me a link to Brad DeLong’s fair and balanced discussion of Republicans: I suspect that some 6% disapprove of interracial marriage but won’t tell the Gallup interviewer because they want to save their face–that 20% of Americans today disapprove of interracial marriage. That means that 40% of Republicans disapprove of […]
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