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Bob Murphy, Juggernaut
So says Jason Clemens in this announcement that I’m a Senior Fellow at the Fraser Institute.
Read moreIt’s All Or Nothing When It Comes to Gifts From God, or Else We Hate Him
The danger in my last post is that atheists will say, “OK fair enough, Steve Landsburg was a little off in his joke about Catholics. But c’mon, the 30,000-foot view is still fine: It’s absurd when religious people ‘praise God’ for miraculous cures. Why doesn’t He cure everybody, why pick and choose? And c’mon, what […]
Read moreAtheists Can Mock Religion With Half Their Brain Tied Behind Their Back
I debated whether making this post, but what the heck. First, a disclaimer: I know Steve Landsburg “was just kidding” with this recent post about John Paul II being canonized. I’m not bringing it up to pout; I’m not even Catholic (anymore). But I still think it epitomizes an ironic trend among very confident atheists. […]
Read moreSumner Turns His Interest Rate Liability Into an Asset
I have long said that I would be much more confident debating Paul Krugman than Scott Sumner. I disagree with Krugman on economics, you see, but with Sumner our disagreement is almost metaphysical. For example, Austrians like me think that the 1929 stock market crash was (partially) due to expansionary Fed policy during the 1920s, […]
Read morePotpourri
==> I’m getting ready for my trip to Mordor next week, so blogging is still sparse. I’m really looking forward to posting the YouTube videos of the presentations from our panelists at the IER Carbon Tax conference, especially for you professional free-market economists who read this blog. I think you’re going to be surprised by […]
Read morePotpourri
==> If you’re in the DC area, next Wednesday August July 17 the Institute for Energy Research (IER) is having a panel on “Carbon Taxes: The Rest of the Story.” We will be walking through the peer-reviewed economic literature to give some surprising facts about the economics of climate change. Here’s the event info. ==> […]
Read more“Will We Run Out of Energy?” free lecture
Here is last week’s first lecture from my Adventures in Energy Economics class. There is still time to sign up for the remaining 4 lectures.
Read moreKrugman on the Fed’s “Taper”
In his last blog post, Krugman is astounded that there are actually economists applauding the Fed’s recent announcement that it will exit its bond-buying sooner than previously thought–i.e. that it will “taper” QE. Speaking of the case that these pro-tapering economists make, Krugman writes: One of the odd things about the people arguing that we […]
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