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Potpourri, Peter Schiff Edition
==> The blogosphere is full of claims that he got “pwned” by Scott Sumner in this exchange on Kudlow. I don’t see how. Sumner said that if the official (price) inflation numbers were bogus, then that would mean the real economy was shrinking. Such a claim has always astounded me; I can’t believe libertarians find […]
Read moreI Would Lose My Inflation Bets If They Weren’t Attached to My Neck…
OK a while ago I made a post where I typed in the prices of various items that I (at the time) bought all the time at the grocery store, such as milk and “Goldfish” crackers for my son. I just spent 10 minutes interrogating Google and can’t find it. Does anyone want to put […]
Read moreI’ll Take Their Flying Cars, Then
Apparently David R. Henderson is at least intrigued by Joshua Gans, who writes: We should question the premise of whether we want flying cars. We would like quicker and less constrained options from getting from A to B but flying around in a car, while it may be a representation of the future with such […]
Read more“Sweet Caroline” from the Grassy Knoll
You can’t see the size of the crowd, but the audio quality is better. My enthusiasm makes up for my vocal deficiencies.
Read moreSecond Chance: I Do “Sweet Caroline” Again at Mises U With Fly By Radio
As I explained on Facebook, at this rate I will hit all the notes by Mises U 2024:
Read moreIs It Better to Malinvest During a Recession?
Evan Soltas (HT2 Scott Sumner) writes a more balanced view (compared to Matt Yglesias, who called Summers a communist) on Larry Summers allegedly problematic concern over low interest rates leading to malinvestments. To refresh your memory, here is what Summers said back in 2012, that is now causing a lot of people to flip out […]
Read moreWhy Maiden Lane?
I am using this excellent J.P. Koning post (at Nick Rowe’s hangout) for an upcoming paper, but I wanted to draw everyone’s attention to this interesting fact: There is also a not-so-well known legal route by which the Fed has purchased assets in the past. The restrictions set by Section 14 [of the Federal Reserve […]
Read moreYet Another Odd Complaint Against Religion
There’s a new thingie (I refuse to use the word “meme”) floating around Facebook telling the story of a new pastor who dresses as a homeless man and goes to his new church, with only the church elders in on the secret. As you might expect, he is shunned by his new flock, and the […]
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