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Ben Swann and Josh Tolley Reflect on the Objectification of Women
This was hands down the highlight last night at “Galt’s Gulch” in Chile. It’s not about me, it’s about the karaoke.
Read moreKrugman: Failed Apocalyptic Predictions Are Laughable, Unless They Support Bigger Government
Not his exact words, mind you. Krugman in his November 7 review of William Nordhaus’ new book on climate change economics: Forty years ago a brilliant young Yale economist named William Nordhaus published a landmark paper, “The Allocation of Energy Resources,” that opened new frontiers in economic analysis…. For if one looks back at “The […]
Read moreKrugman: ObamaCare Rollout the Fault of Private Insurance; Single Payer Would Fix Everything
A lot of us have been warning that ObamaCare is a system that even many of its proponents knew would fail, but in so doing would pave the way for their true objective: the elimination of private health insurance to be replaced by the federal government as a “single payer” for all medical care. In […]
Read moreGod the Father
What are the attributes of a good father? ==> He loves you unconditionally. ==> He has the power to take care of you. ==> He is fair and just. ==> He makes plans for your future prosperity. ==> He teaches you to help you avoid error. ==> He disciplines you when you are in the […]
Read moreExplaining the Success of the Keynesian Revolution
A lot of times Austrian economists will say that the Austrians used to be really popular and influential, but that they were eclipsed by the Keynesians in the 1930s. Then they might explain this outcome along the lines of, “The Keynesian economists told government officials exactly what they wanted to hear: spend more money to […]
Read moreMurphy vs. Yglesias On Chinese Bond Purchases
In this Daily Caller article I dispute Matt Yglesias’ recent argument that the Chinese government exercises no leverage over the American government because it buys so much of its debt. An excerpt: The only way to completely offset both [rising U.S. Treasury yields] and [rising U.S. consumer prices], is if foreign investors are willing to […]
Read moreBut the President Said I Could Keep My Health Insurance…?
Remember how President Obama defused all the paranoid whining from people who didn’t want the government to help poor people get insurance? For example: Yesterday I got this letter from my insurance company: I thought I was happy with my health insurance plan, but I must have been mistaken. That’s the only explanation. In any […]
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