Author Archive

Greatest Hits from The Politically Incorrect Guide to Capitalism

I had to send this to someone else, so I thought I’d take the opportunity to showcase this blast from the past. There was a gathering in DC in the summer of 2007 for a bunch of “PIG” authors to talk about their respective books. I think in this talk I focus on the economics […]

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Henderson/Murphy Tag Team the Keynesian Champ

I know I’m mixing wrestling and boxing metaphors. But there are few rules at Free Advice. David R. Henderson has a good critique of Krugman’s latest post about “unprecedented austerity” (Krugman’s term). For example, Krugman labels a sharp reduction in the rate of growth of spending as a “collapse in spending.” That’s simply not correct. […]

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More on Krugman and Fiat Money

At Mises Canada I explored Krugman’s glib assertion about fiat money being “backed by men with guns” a little more deeply: Furthermore, it’s obvious that Krugman’s “explanation” would have no way of accounting for changes in either variable. For example, in the 1970s in the United States, price inflation took off dramatically, meaning the purchasing […]

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In Defense of Paul Krugman

On Facebook a younger person was asking us old timers what it was like when the Internet first came on the scene in force, and I couldn’t resist relaying this gem: “By 2005 or so, it will become clear that the Internet’s impact on the economy has been no greater than the fax machine’s.” — […]

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The Tax on “Cadillac” Plans

I’m preparing for a lecture in my “Economics of ObamaCare” course and I thought it would be a public service to make sure we all know about just one of the features in this gift that keeps on giving. So here’s a rundown of the tax on “Cadillac” plans: One of the most significant, and […]

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Surely the American People Would Never Let That Happen!?

Things have gotten so bad, I have no choice but to read aloud from the New York Times.

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Matt Walsh on Baking Cakes for Gay Men

I personally don’t dwell on this stuff, because–especially with my being an evangelical Christian–I am afraid it comes across as me fretting at night, worrying about homosexuals breaking down my door. That obviously is not the case. But, Matt Walsh’s blog post on all this stuff is so spot-on that I have to give a […]

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Lew Rockwell on Optimism Amidst Fascism

Nelson Nash apparently bought 50 copies of Lew Rockwell’s new collection of essays, Fascism vs. Capitalism, because he was so excited by it. He sent me one. I have only just begun it (David Gordon reviews it here), but I wanted to share the conclusion of his introduction, because it got me all fired up. […]

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