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This Will Not End Well
Bryan Caplan (a fellow pacifist) lays down the gauntlet: If Mark [Krikorian] brought me to lunch with an unemployed low-skilled native, I really would tell him, “Sorry you lost your job, but foreigners have as much a right to work as you do.” It needs to be said.
Read morePotpourri
==> Lew Rockwell has a forthcoming manifesto on anarcho-capitalism. ==> Hmm, this is one case where fiat money may have been preferable. ==> Responding (on Twitter) to my Mises Canada post about TARP, John Taylor reminds us of some of the details of Paulson’s offer that banksters couldn’t refuse. ==> Arnold Kling on Solow on […]
Read moreFree Advice for Cliven Bundy
I’m not trying to centrally plan the libertarian movement, and I generally think focusing too much on marketing is a self-defeating enterprise, but regarding this…
Read moreBryan Caplan on Immigration
Caplan recently had a debate over immigration. He has posted his opening statement which is really good. Here are two excerpts: Let’s start with our [immigration] laws’ injustice. Imagine the U.S. made it illegal for blacks, women, or Jews to take certain jobs or live in certain neighborhoods. You wouldn’t merely object. You’d be appalled. […]
Read moreQuick Observations on Inflation in the 1970s
“Gold bugs” take it for granted that it was no coincidence that the US got hit with stagflation in the 1970s, because Richard Nixon infamously severed the dollar’s last tie to gold in 1971. Others, however, dispute this connection. So I thought it worthwhile to make a simple case in defense of the gold bugs: […]
Read moreSPECIAL OFFER! Mises Academy
If you sign up for my online class on government intervention (which covers the last third of my textbook, Lessons for the Young Economist) before the first class begins–which is Thursday, April 24, 5:30pm Eastern–then you get FREE access to the first two classes in the series. (Those classes cover the first 2/3 of the […]
Read moreYet More Krugman Klarifications on the 1% Stuff
This is more for posterity than anything else, but check this out. In today’s post Krugman writes: I happened to notice Greg Mankiw citing some bogus claims that the one percent is an ever-changing group, not a persistent elite, and I thought “Wait — didn’t we deal with that one long ago?” And that brought to mind […]
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