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The Most Ethically Chilling Use of a Steady-State Equilibrium Ever
Now when Paul Krugman said “death panels” (and sales taxes) were the answer, he was obviously cracking a joke and didn’t mean the phrase in the sense in which the critics used it. So, you can understand why his fans roll their eyes when Krugman critics then tried to use that one-off line against him. […]
Read moreIn My Life, I’ve Had a Few Posts That Criticized Krugman
How do you guys feel about that claim in my post title? Probably a bit of an understatement, eh? Now consider the following from Krugman’s latest post on Obamacare: A few relatively affluent, healthy people are paying more for coverage; a few high-income taxpayers are paying more in taxes; a much larger number of Americans […]
Read moreIn Which I Explain My Bargaining Power at Hair Salons
My latest Mises Canada article. An excerpt: [I]f the ignorance of alternatives on the part of female shoppers is the culprit here, including being “lulled into not doing anything about it,” then why is the gap in Speed Stick versus Lady Speed Stick 45 cents per ounce–as the article claims–rather than, say $10 per ounce? […]
Read moreJohn Oliver Has Beautiful Take on Ferguson
Perhaps he made a passing reference to the need for government police at some point, but we can forgive him that.
Read moreThe Ban on Exports of U.S. Crude Oil Is Bad Economics
My latest IER post. An excerpt: To see why the logic behind the crude oil export ban makes little sense, change commodities. For example, should the U.S. government make it illegal for American farmers to ship wheat out of the country? After all, don’t we want to make bread as affordable as possible for American […]
Read moreYou Might Be in Serfdom
With apologies to Jeff Foxworthy, my latest LibertyChat article. Lots of pictures! An excerpt: * If the FAA imposes a no-fly zone above Ferguson “to provide a safe environment for law enforcement activities,” then you might be in serfdom. * When the police start arresting peaceful journalists covering the story, then you just might be in serfdom. * When the same […]
Read morePotpourri
==> Various reactions to Robin Williams; I am not endorsing anything in here (except Norm MacDonald’s): An Objectivist, someone who wants to “normalize” suicide, and Matt Walsh in his controversial post that I actually don’t think was as bad as people claimed. This guy talks about why funny people often suffer from depression. If I […]
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