Austrian Economists Photobomb Krugman
[UPDATE below.]
Eduardo Bellani in the comments of my previous post tells us to look at the poster hanging over Krugman’s shoulder at his recent interview with Joe Weisenthal:

In case people don’t recognize it, it’s clearly this poster:

Looks like the folks at Mises.org are sneaking up on Krugman. Hey, I warned him not to turn his back on them…
UPDATE: Danny Sanchez informed that it wasn’t some intern who put that poster up, but none other than Joe Weisenthal himself, courtesy of Bob Wenzel.
Wenzel actually had that shipped to Joe Weisenthal
Yep Danny Sanchez told me the same thing; I updated the post. Thanks.
That’s pretty funny
Is this an allegory? Austrian economists, indistinct and fuzzy?
Please explain how Austrian economics is “indistinct and fuzzy”. You’ve asserted it is before, but without actually providing any substantive content.
It certainly might be, but you seem to have missed the context: Austrian economics is present whether you focus on some goof in the foreground or not.
See MF? Now this is an answer!
Naw, just not focused on quantitative analysis. Yet.
It’s by the way that blue is for irony.
I think I can make out Henry Hazlitt in the bottom-right corner. Oops! That was before I saw the poster on this full page.
Henry Hazlett was not an economist. He was a journalist who popularized Austrian economics. Putting him on that poster makes about as much sense as putting Howard Cosell on a poster of heavyweight boxers from the 60s and 70s.
In other news, gold is now 1,188.92
Henry Hazlitt wasn’t an economist? You sure about that?
“Henry Hazlett was not an economist. He was a journalist who popularized Austrian economics.”
Because one cannot be a journalist and an economist.
Right. But we knew that already, from Bastiat.
What are the criteria for being an “economist”? A piece of paper that represents academic training, etc.? If that is the case, the Jared Bernstein is not an economist, either, although he pretends to be one on TV.
The thing is Joe Hayslett explained economics. Explaining economics is doing economics. Howard Cosell may have explained boxing, but that isn’t doing boxing.
Hazlitt was a better economist than Krugman.
Or Keynes
My grandma is a better economist than Krugman.
I’m sure your grandma can find a better standard for minimal competence.
Because Hazlitt, of course, contributed path breaking research to the discipline.
I think you’re confused. You’re talking about the Krugman of 20 years ago.
That man is dead.
There are two kinds of ideas: Rothbard’s, and wrong. What contribution is a wrong idea?
Hazlitt pre-dates Rothbard numbnuts.
He says at a tennis match.
joe wrote:
Henry Hazlett was not an economist. He was a journalist who popularized Austrian economics. Putting him on that poster makes about as much sense as putting Howard Cosell on a poster of heavyweight boxers from the 60s and 70s.
OK joe I’ll give you that one; that was pretty funny.
I guess now we wait and see if the poster is removed. If it is, I think it would be safe to assume that Krugman is a daily reader of Free Advice.
Krugman looks like such a goober