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- random person on Receipts for BMS Ep 254: Kark Marx Was Kind of a Big Deal
- random person on Receipts for BMS Ep 254: Kark Marx Was Kind of a Big Deal
- random person on Receipts for BMS Ep 254: Kark Marx Was Kind of a Big Deal
- random person on Receipts for BMS Ep 254: Kark Marx Was Kind of a Big Deal
I like Norman.
There are several other Youtube vids from this conference, good stuff.
A YouTube commenter asserts Norman does not understand which Bible instructions are for the individual versus mandate for the state. The warmonger Nationalist from my local church claim the same. I always ask them to cite scripture where Jesus identifies who He is talking to. They never can. They simply pick and choose what scripture applies to individuals and what scripture applies to individuals. Rather convenient.
If you are an atheist I encourage to watch Norman and learn who the real enemy’s of liberty are. They are pseudo Christians and they hide in the church. They twist Gods word so the may grow the State and abolish the individual.
Thanks Gamble!
This short 20 minute vid by Jason Rink, from your conference is interesting. American Idol.
I noticed in my previous comment I repeated a word. “They simply pick and choose what scripture applies to individuals and what scripture applies to individuals.”
I meant to say the false idol folks pick and choose what scripture applies to the individual and what scripture applies to government. Basically all limitations only apply to the individual and there are no limitations on government., according to pseudo-Christians.